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Times Tables

Knowing the times tables (and their associated division facts) supports mathematical learning and understanding and those children who have a strong grasp of them tend to be more self-assured when learning new concepts in maths.

In order to prepare children for the demands of the Y5/6 curriculum, it is a national expectation that children can quickly recall multiplication tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4.


The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

The multiplication tables check is administered in all schools at the end of Year 4 and helps schools identify which pupils are secure in their multiplication tables and which pupils may need additional support to get there. The following article contains more information about the Y4 tables check:


How can I support my child?

Regular practise helps children develop automaticity with their tables. Rather than teaching children all the tables at once, we spend several weeks teaching them one tables until they are secure before moving on to the next. See the graphic below which details what we teach when.


Useful websites for practising times tables

Times Tables Games

Times Tables Games 2

Practise the Y4 Tables Check